Race info:
Enjoy a fun afternoon of wonderful Italian music, great food, good friends, and a game of Bocce on the beautiful, spacious grounds of Bella Villa!
Registration and packet pickup info:
$25.00 through June 30 (includes shirt)
$30.00 July 1 through September 7 (includes shirt if registered by August 29th)
$35 Race day (shirt not guaranteed)
*fees nonrefundable
*shirts guaranteed if registered by 8/29.
- The course is not closed to traffic - please be cautious
- Registration is online only and is open until 9:45am on race day.
Event location and parking:
Parking, registration, and post-race festivities will be held on our grounds at the Bella Villa Hall, John Pirelli Lodge #1633, 2625 County Line Road
- You WILL NOT be given a coupon for your free meatball sub - the pull tab on the bottom of your bib will be your coupon
- You can park on the front grass area - NOT THE PAVEMENT BY THE BUILDING THAT IS FOR HANDICAP PARKING - or you can park at Reynolds and Reynolds.
- Awards will at the band shell at approximately 11am
Race day, September 10th, Bella Villa Hall, John Pirelli Lodge
8:30am to 9:45 am - Packet pick up
10am - Race start
11:00am - Race timing stops
Awards at the bandshell approximately 11:00 am
will be given to the top three males and females in the age groups 9 & under, 10-14, 15 – 19, 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, 60 – 69, and 70 – 79, 80 and over. All race participants will receive meatball sub coupon and be entered to win some awesome prizes.
Cancellation Policy
By registering for this race, you agree that there will be no refunds offered for this event. On race day, we will be following the pandemic guidance currently recommended from the State of Ohio. In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, pandemic, or for any other reason deemed necessary by timing company, race organizers, public safety officials, or anyone else in charge, we reserve the right to reschedule the event date if possible, cancel the race, or convert this to a virtual race. There will be no refunds for any reason and race items will not be mailed.
Weather in Ohio can be unpredictable. Unless we have thunder, lightning, ice on the course, unsafe temperatures, or are not permitted to drive on the roads, we will host the race. If we have to cancel for the aformentioned reasons or other reasons not mentioned, the race will be virtual and shirts will be available for pick up at a date to be determined.
Transfer Policy
If you find that you can no longer participate in this event, transfers to another participant will be permitted through August 29th.
Refund Policy
There will be no refunds for any reason and race items will not be mailed.